Revenge of the Breeders

Is there a secret Breeder Society full of mystery? Do Breeders stand together or fight to the death?

A good breeder is a good person and a good person can be a good breeder. For that reason alone-

Good Breeders stick together.

We love to refer buyers over to fellow breeders who we trust. Of course, we need the money we make from selling puppies to pay our bills and buy Juliet presents, but we never let that turn us into money-obsessed monsters. Besides- with a small operation like ours, we can’t have puppies always available all throughout the year. We only have two mamas! So there are times when a buyer who we know and/or trust is ready to get their puppy but we simply don’t have any puppies to give them. That’s when referrals come into play- if we know of someone in the area who we know treats their puppies as well as we do- then we are happy to send the sale along.

But Puppy Mills Beware

Good breeders also hate puppy mills. When you work so closely with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels like we do, and you see the complete innocence and sweetness in their hearts it is appalling to think of people sticking them in cages for their entire lives. We just can’t stand it! If a good breeder meets another “breeder” who they suspect is a puppy mill- they will do everything in their power to get that puppy mill out of business! They will sound the alarm!

So, if you’re a good breeder then you will be welcomed into the fold. But if you’re a bad breeder……..Watch out. The Good Breeders will come for you.